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The home of Champions

D.O.B. 14.6.2017
Ari is by the well known Aust.Ch Hotashell Heir To The Throne and Aust.Ch Quatroniko Miss Dolly- Meggy. She is the result of a beautiful linebreeding on the world famous BIS BISS Serb Ch. Ukr Ch. Cy Ch. Md Ch. Phil Ch. Bg Ch. Aze Ch. Mtn Ch. Aus. Ch Orion Red Mist King Of Rings (Imported Serbia).
She was until recently our youngest show hopeful starting off with a bang and winning multiple in Best In Group, Class In Group and Class in Show awards. Ari was titled Australian Champion at only 9.5 months and has topped it off with a wonderful
BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW under judge Mrs Julie Ireland QLD at just 16 months of age. She is the perfect example of beauty, balance, soundness and temperament. Simply one in a million.
Ari wins Best In Show under judge Mrs Julie Ireland QLD

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